Monday, January 23, 2012

this week in science #7

       This week in science we worked on our project. From this project I learned a lot about working together as a group and about our biome and the animals that live there. I learned to do  my share of work with a group of people and help people when they  needed it. I'm still confused about having to draw the animals by hand because i feel like it would have been nicer to draw them digitally. 
       What we did in this project was we research a place , picked animals from a place and evolved the animal so that it could survive in a different climate ( because of global warming the place you choose is now different than it was before ). you had to change what the animal ate, how the animal looked, what is its prey etc. you had to draw before and after pictures about the animal. lastly you had to present it in a PowerPoint.

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